Victoria Hash House Harriers Runs - 2015

The run numbers are highlighted in green if photos are available, and yellow if only a write-up exists.

Date Hares Location Comments/Photo Links
662 December 19 Whoremoan
Newfie Priest
734 Tiffin Place (Gordon Head)
A very mild, but dry, and slow, 12 Stops of Christmas.   The Hershey Kisses stop has hashers kissing Santa's Helper In Training, rather than Whoremoan.  A long lineup quickly formed, the majority of the first part of he line were women hashers.  So, we can say its better the kiss SHIT,  for a Hershey Kiss, than Woremoan.    I would seem that aspect of the 12 stops has been passed on from father to son.

We also had a number of very enthusiastic younger hashers.  Hope they come out more often as we could us some FRBs.

Stay-tuned for the photos and write-up.
661 December 5 Grand Mattress Digger, and RA Double Hump Digger and Little Blow’s place
660 November 21 Stoolie Andrews (Blue Berry tea supplied by Deep Shit, who did something to his back before setting the trail)
Parking area across from the old Ma Miller’s Pub, now liquor store, at 2903 Sooke Lake Road.
The 20th Annual Goldstream Hash Run
659 November 7 Jonners, Digger, and Double Hump Opposite Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub & Guesthouses
658 October 24 Sir My Cocks A Fallen & Pisstifferous Lochside Elementary School, 1145 Royal Oak Drive, Saanich
657 October 11 Premature Evacuation & Dikkus Esquimalt High School
Run 1a - Click to enlarge The VH3 Esquimalt Run 1a Anniversary Run. The rain poured down just after the trail had been set, and the hares had to quickly reset some key point on the trail. It was a cool, windy and wet start, but the weather cleared soon after, the sun came through the clouds, and, with the exception of a little wind, the run was great.  It followed some parts of the trail that Dikkus could remember of the first run set by Sheepshagger, Drip Dry, and High Beams all of Vancouver H3, October 14 1990. That trail started at Spinnakers Brew Pub, yet it ran by Esquimalt High, and so this is where the Hares started the anniversary run.  The second anniversary run will be on November 7th, in honour of the first trail set by Victoria hashers.  
656 September 26 Sir My Cocks A Fallen and Cock-a-Leeky Cloverdale Traditional School
Another hash on a fine sunny and warm, first hash in fall 2015, day.  It seemed long, but there was no shiggy, and the beer was good.  It is a irony that this hash starts from a 'traditional school', as it is fast becoming a tradition of its own.   No doubt there are those among us who like stability and predictability, and certainly Sir My Cocks A Fallen has been able to provide it.  In his own words, "… we concluded that although I have hared a hash from Cloverdale Elementary School twice previously, there is still a good hash to be had from there (I will use other locations for future hashes over the next 12 months)" . So this will not be the last we see of the Cloverdale School hashes!  Past runs were run 598 in 2013, and 632 in 2014.
655 September 12 Some Bitchy C and Wet Taco Carnarvon Park
654 September 3 Double Hump, Jonners, Lakey and High Beams Ogden Point Cruise Ship Pier (next to Camel Point)
653 August 29 Boomerang and Jonners Chez Slow Cooker’s 1759 Richardson St.
652 August 15 Stoolie Andrews Parking Lot No. 2 of the Sooke Potholes Regional Park
651 August 1 Stoke Alone Margaret Jenkins Elementary
650 July 18 Jack the Tripper and Just Pirouz Gyro Park in Cadboro Bay
Click to enlargeThe "Bush" Run. A long run up through Mystic Vale Where we were all bushed by the time we got to the Bushmills stop, most of the way up Mt. Tolmie, before the BC, and Just Pirouz was named "Blewb'y" for being the first hare to escorted hounds to a YBF, blowing by every other runner.  Bush could have meant many things, and the hares provided us a number to teases us to come out and find out what they meant by bush.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
YKH3 run
July 4 Prize Prick and Pantsdownbooty Vic West Elementary (750 Front St)
648 June 20 Blue Balls & Hoopalong Chastity On Salt Spring Island, from the Ruckle Park Campground
647 June 19 Self Service On Salt Spring Island, behind Gulf Islands Secondary School on Kanaka Road
A very short pre-lube run for the run the next day.  On afters was at the Salt Spring Inn Restaurant.
646 June 6 Testicular & Pussy Whipped Blue Buck Maynard Park in Cadboro Bay near Maynard and Hobbs
645 May 22 Dune Dodger & Cheap Riser, Stroke Alone, and Blue Balls By the water, Holland Point Shoreline Trail, near Dallas Rd and Paddon Ave.
644 May 9 Stoolie Andrews Thetis Lake overflow parking lot at the corner of Atkins Road and Six Mile Road
643 April 25 Some Bitchy 'C' and Stroke Alone Colquitz Middle School. The entrance is off of Dumeresq street
Click to enlargeA spring flower count run in Strawberry Vale.  The showers and rain a couple of days before made for a devilishly shiggyfull path across the southern quarter of Panama Flats.  Shiggy almost being a trademark of SBC's.  A perfect trail, mainly devised by SBC, with an extra hill and a bit of length added by Stroke.  Pisstifferous won a large bottle of beer for having the correctClick to enlarge count of 8 streets named after flowers, and for naming 3 of them.  Despite a shower before the run, the run was done in warm spring sunshine.  
642 April 11 Blue Balls Cattle Point (Scenic Drive, off of Beach drive)
641 March 28 Boomerang & Just Susan East Sooke -- end of Parkheights Drive and Leda Road --which is off East Sooke Road after junction with Gillespie Road
It rained most of the day before, but sunshine broke through Saturday morning, and the spring rain only started again just at the end of that Saturday's run.  I finely tuned, spectacular run through west coast rain forest, where walkers and runner crossed path more than once, and the shiggy spiced the trail just enough to have some mud to show, but not enough to leave one's feet uncomfortably wet.  A run for the kinder, gentler hash.  Happyhole/Blowhole got renamed "Twatasoreass" and presented a necklace by Double Hump with her name on it.  She had a hard time remembering her name, so this way she wouldn't forget it.
March 14 Little Blow Peep and Digger Claremont-Goddard Park off Haliburton Road Saint Patrick's Day Hash
A rainy morning cleared up for a wonderfully sunny and mild run, with lots of greens and oranges.  It was short but hilly, with a couple great view point stops, and paths seldom if ever trod by harriers. Digger supplied some of his own bourbon keg ages brew to celebrate with. Just Lyle is named "Motherless".
639 February 28 Lakey and High Beams The park at Chambers and Princess behind George Jay Elementary School, 1118 Princess Avenue.
638 February 14 Cock-a-Leeky and Happy Sperm Monterey middle school in Oak Bay (851 Monterey)
637 Wednesday
February 11th
Stoolie Andrews Parking lot at Topaz Park
636 January 31 Some Bitchy 'C' and Tin Titties Margaret Jenkins Elementary School: 1824 Fairfield Rd.
635 January 17 Kitty Licker 1768 Dean Park Road
634 January 1 Muck Sucker, Cardinal Sin, & Bad to the Bones 3320 Lanai Lane, Colwood
