Victoria Hash House Harriers Runs - 2010

The run numbers are highlighted in green if photos are available, and yellow if only a write-up exists.

Date Hares Location Comments/Photo Links
525 December 11 Whoremoan, and Just Connor
1734 Tiffin Place (Gordon Head)
Annual 12 Stops of Christmas and the naming of Just Connor "Santa's Helper In Training" (SHIT) 
524 November 2 Jonners and Lakey
Southwest Corner of Topaz Park; junction of Topaz Ave & Glasgow Street, opposite SJ Willis Alternative School
A New British-Style Pub Run - The Moon Under Water
523 November 13 Deep Shit and Land Ho
Across road from Ma Miller's Pub (2903 Sooke Lake Road)
Annual Goldstream Run & Annual General Piss-up
522 October 30 Prize Prick
Flagpole at Beacon Hill Park Summit
Annual Halloween Run costume run.  Just Maureen is named "I Cum Screaming".
521 October 16 Dikkus
Parking lot east of Spinnakers Pub on Kimta Road
20th Anniversary Run
This run was 2 days past the exact date of the Victoria HHH Run#1A (October 14, 1990). Runs 1A&B started from Spinnaker's.
520 October 2 Stoolie Andrews
Layritz Park at the end of Layritz Avenue off Glyn Road which is off of Wilkenson Road.
"A bucolic amble in the countryside (in reality I am going to run your wanker butt off)" Run
519 September 18 Boomerang
Boomerangs residence 1619 Kisber Ave
Boomerang Return (again) Run
518 September 4 My Cocks A' Fallen
Reynolds Secondary School 3963 Borden Street
A Lazy Labour Day Weekend Run
517 August 21
Muck Sucker & Cardinal Sin
Port Alberni Annual Blueberry Campout Hash
516 August 7 Double Hump Colquitz Middle School 505 Dumeresq St.
Hawaiian Run Hat Toss: 
                     Click to enlarge
Hawaiian Run hashers try to capture a photo of a hat toss. Click here for a larger image.

Summer 'Hawaiian' Run in the Rain
515 July 24 Stoolie Andrews
The first parking lot. (The Provincial Park parking lot)
Annual Sooke Potholes (optional campout)
514 July 10 My Cocks A' Fallen
Lochside School at the junction of Royal Oak Avenue and Lochside Trail
A Summer Broadmead Ramble
513 June 26 Beaver Fever
Vantreight Park - 4576 Vantreight Drive
Gordon Head Run, a visit from Buster Hymen and Lipsdick, and the Wanker's Shirt shows up.
512 June 12 Pisstifferous and Just Ryan
View Royal Portage Park parking lot
View Royal Run 
511 May 29 Digger, Premature Evacuation, Little Blow Peep
At the Poolside Lounge at the Travellers Inn (old Imperial Inn) 1960 Douglas at the corner of Discovery and Douglas
Annual Red Dress Run, and Just Ryan is named "Headpecker"
May 15 Double Hump 3908 Braefoot Road Stinko de Mayo Run
509 May 1 Testicular and Pussy Whipped Blue Buck
3621 Crestview Road
May Day and Spring Celebration Run
508 April 17 Floppy Snatch & Itchy Buns H
yacinth Park which is on the corner of Marigold Road and Interurban Road.
A Post-Easter Spring Run
507 April 3 Double Hump & High Beams
Gyro Park Cadbora Bay
The Easter Bunnies on Campus Run
March 20 Prize Prick & Slow Cooker Saxe Point Park (parking lot at the south end of Fraser St. in Esquimalt) Prize Prick's first Haring and St Patrick's Day Run
505 March 6 Stoolie Andrews
Parking lot at Prior Lake in Thetis Lake Regional Park off of Highland Road
A Regional Park Shiggy Adventure
504 Feb 20 Boomerang, Pisstifferous, and Just Virginia (Pink Muffy)
Lochside School, on Royal Oak 1145 Royal Oak Drive
A drain the Keg run and the naming of "Pink Muffy" and "Prize Prick" (Just Benjamin)
500 Feb 13 Dikkus and Richard the Turd
Strawberry Vale Community Hall 11 High Street (at West Burnside Road.)
RUN #500 −The Beer−Hashalon
503 Jan 23 Squeeky and Sumpyton
Chez Squeeky and Sumpyton, 8012 Wallace Drive Saanichton
Annual Robbie Burns Birthday Party
502 Jan 9 Kitty Licker
1768 Dean Park Rd.
Annual Chili Run and Just Rosemary's first hash.
501 Jan 1 Lakey & Jonners
3320 Lanai Lane, Colwood
The Annual New Year's Day Hangover Polar Bear Run
