It's a sunny winter's day in Saanich (suburban Victoria), and a small band of hashers keep the tradition. |
Just Benjamin - his last hash as Just Benjamin - navigating some rough terrain. |
Premature Evacuation charging along. |
Hanging out at a check waiting for hashers to catch up. |
The keg! Thanks to the 500th run, we had leftovers. |
The BC! Flirt has some water. I suspect Lakey had more than water. |
Preemie gets some 'beverage'. |
Banged Up Between gets some tongue. |
The rabble at the BC enjoying the sun; Stoolie Andrew, Kitty Licker, My Cocks A Fallen, Just Benjamin, and one of the hares Pisstifferous. |
On the right, Preemie and Boomerang (back again from Tahiti) |
Just Virginia - her last hash as Just Virginia. |
Got ta like this shot. You don't see this very often. |
February daff! It's still a month from the Vernal Equinox (March 20th) |
At the circle two of the hares are called in. Just Virginia gets her's later. |
Stoolie Andrews gets punished for something, but he likes punishment. |
Stroke Alone is down-downed for being ... lame, probably. "It's becoming a habit", says Stroke. |
Little Blow Peep has a beef with Boomerang. Not sure how big the beef was. |
But they made up on the down-down. |
Just Benjamin is punished probably for being a FRB. |
Oh, look who're being named. What a surprise! ;-) |
In the name of Gispert (the founder) we name you Pink Muffy (after love of pink, and her car) |
In the name of Gispert we name you Prize Prick (for winning multiple door prizes at the The 500th Beer-Hashalon Olymprick Games) |
The two pose for the camera. |
A final down-down. On On! |